3rd Annual Ebook Summit
Archive pricing starts at $19.95 for print subscribers

Platinum Sponsors

Ebsco host eBooks on EBSCOhost® offers hundreds of thousands of high-quality eBook and audiobook titles from publishers worldwide, ensuring that users will find relevant, trusted content with every search. Libraries can build a collection from a growing selection of best-selling, frontlist and award-winning titles across a wide range of subject matter—including academic titles, popular fiction, medical collections and more. Or, choose from EBSCO’s pre-packaged collections, hand-selected by our Collection Development team of librarians. Either way, with no markups and no fees on any title, eBooks on EBSCOhost is the perfect cost-effective option for any library.

OverdriveOverDrive Offer your patrons and students eBooks, audiobooks, music & video from the industry leader. Only OverDrive delivers proven value, serving 18,000 public, K-12, college and corporate libraries worldwide with the industry’s best selection, service and user experience. Compatible with all major devices, including Kindle®. Choose from 800,000 titles from more than one thousand publishers, and share local content, too!

Gold Sponsors

3M The 3M™ Cloud Library eBook lending service that is revolutionizing how patrons discover, borrow and read eBooks from their library. This solution includes a comprehensive subscription for both digital content and in-library hardware and apps for borrowing and reading, providing libraries with a simple and turnkey system.

Baker and Taylor Baker & Taylor Inc. is the world’s largest distributor of books, digital content and entertainment products. The company leverages its unsurpassed worldwide distribution network to deliver rich content in multiple formats, anytime and anywhere. Baker & Taylor offers cutting-edge digital media services and innovative technology platforms to thousands of publishers, libraries and retailers worldwide.

Axis 360 Axis 360, Baker & Taylor’s revolutionary digital media library, provides libraries with a state-of-the-art system for circulating digital content. Axis 360 is fullly accessible for the sight-impaired, helping all libraries meet ADA requirements for access. It is extremely easy-to-use and offers cloud-based ebook delivery directly to patrons’ devices.

Follett Follett Library Resources provides 140,000+ curriculum-focused eBooks, 15,000+ unlimited simultaneous access eBooks, 10,000+ Catalist DigitalTM audiobooks, several hundred interactive eBooks, and a wide variety of databases for PreK-12 schools and libraries. Our new FollettShelf interface expands your library beyond its four walls to support literacy across all subjects, while our new Follett eBook interface provides one simplified learning experience for all your students and teachers.

Freading The Freading eBook service is a revolutionary eBook product that delivers over 20,000 quality trade titles with no-upfront cost, and simultaneous access to every book.


Gale Cengage Learning Gale, a part of Cengage Learning, is a world leader in e-research and educational publishing for libraries, schools and businesses. Best known for its accurate and authoritative reference content as well as its intelligent organization of full-text magazine and newspaper articles, the company creates and maintains more than 600 online learning resources, including the Gale Virtual Reference Library, where users can access thousands of full-text eBooks on virtually any subject from Gale and dozens of premier partner publishers.

Ingram Ingram Content Group Inc. is the world’s largest and most trusted distributor of physical and digital content. Thousands of publishers, retailers, and libraries worldwide use our products and services to realize the full business potential of books, regardless of format. Ingram has earned its lead position and reputation by offering excellent service and creating innovative, integrated solutions. Our customers have access to best-of-class digital, audio, print, print-on-demand, inventory management, wholesale and full-service distribution programs.

Random House Random House, Inc. publishes fiction and nonfiction by some of the foremost and most popular writers of our time. They appear in a full range of formats—including hardcover, trade paperback, mass market paperback, audio, electronic, and digital, for the widest possible readership from adults to young adults and children.

Exhibiting Sponsors

Abdo Digital Abdo Digital, a division of ABDO Publishing Group, is a leader in publishing eBooks and digital content for schools andlibraries, including our easy-to-use “flip book” eBooks, eBoost multi-media resources, & more. All Abdo Digital products allow for multiple simultaneous users and a variety of access options for users, including hosted links delivered through MARC records. Come check out our latest multi-medialine called eBoost—eBooks with a BOOST—perfect for supporting diverse media in the Common Core Standards.

Brain Hive Brain Hive™ provides an innovative eBook rental solution for K-12 libraries, offering a simple and economical alternative to the traditional methods for eBook procurement. Schools pay just $1 each time a title is accessed from a $100,000 online collection. The Brain Hive administrator can easily manage content, spending and access with user-friendly online tools. Learn more at www.brainhive.com.

Cambridge University Cambridge University Press publishes a suite of dynamic and innovative online products and eBooks which provides users a new dimension of access and usability to our extensive scholarly and educational content. Currently, over 19,000 eBooks are available on Cambridge Books Online, covering all disciplines in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences and Medicine.

Lerner In 2010 Lerner Publishing Group launched Lerner Digital™ alongside its growing catalog of nonfiction and fiction books, ensuring that schools and libraries have access to the highest quality content to serve the evolving needs of teachers and learners in the 21st century. Lerner Digital offers more than 2,500 eBooks for K-12, as well as our award-winning Lerner Interactive Book program for struggling readers. Learn more at www.lernerbooks.com.

McGraw Hill This powerful online resource currently provides 1500 fully searchable digital books in key high demand categories – Test Prep – Business – Computing – Engineering – DIY Electronics – Medical – and more, with new books added every quarter. Other powerful features include system wide unlimited simultaneous usage and lightning speed search results.

Open Road Open Road Integrated Media is a digital publisher and multimedia content company. Open Road creates connections between authors and their audiences by marketing its ebooks through a new proprietary online platform, which uses premium video content and social media.

Perma Bound Serving school and public libraries and K-12 classrooms, Perma-Bound Inc. is a pioneer in the bookbinding industry, known for our patented durable laminated binding. We currently offer more than 130,000 titles from more than 400 unique publishers, as well as more than 17,000 eBooks, manageable through our free Perma-eHub digital media platform. Perma-Bound also offers online ordering, complete cataloging and processing, and collection development/analysis, as well as comprehensive teaching materials and educational software.

Proquest Let us help you make the e-book resources in your library work harder and smarter for everyone. Start here to discover flexible models for acquiring authoritative e-books for academic, public, school, and special libraries; tools to power e-book selection and collection analysis; apps to optimize the experience of e-book content, both online and offline; and services to make your e-book and other collections more discoverable.

Rosen Award-winning K-12 nonfiction educational publisher offers ebooks, Interactive ebooks, apps, and online databases. iPad-compatible resources support Common Core learning standards as well as 1:1 laptop learning, digital citizenship, financial literacy, STEM, reading and language arts, and anti-bullying efforts. Groundbreaking new Interactive eBooks with digital content creation tools provide a safe digital environment to explore and create. Learn more at rosendigital.com.

Roman Littlefield The company publishes under more than a dozen imprints in virtually all fields in the humanities and social sciences, and enjoys co-publishing partnerships with some of the most influential organizations in the DC area, including the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, American Council on Education, the Heritage Foundation, and the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. While celebrating our 35th anniversary in 2010, we published over 1,500 new academic, reference, and general interest books and 13 journals.

Scholastic Scholastic Library Publishing is the leading publisher of children’s nonfiction digital content including TrueFlix™ and FreedomFlix™ – two revolutionary e-book resources. TrueFlix leverages the award-winning True Books and focuses on engaging subject-area content for students in grades 3-6. FreedomFlix is the definitive U.S. history digital resource for students in grades 4 and up by capturing the dramatic and defining moments in American history!
