September 10, 2024

ProQuest Launches Graduate Education Program For Library Schools


ProQuest has announced the launch of Graduate Education Program (GEP), a new service that combines several of its popular development programs for library schools into a single resource. GEP includes programs from ProQuest and business units such as Dialog, and offers a single point of access to teaching tools, training and development opportunities, and awards and internships within a free social networking site called “Discover More Corps.”

“It’s now simpler for librarians—and librarians in training—to access the breadth of what we offer,” Maria Ziemer, Global Manager, ProQuest Graduate Education Program, said in a release. “And, we were inspired to add more options because we saw gaps we could fill.”

Resources include:

The ProQuest GEP is available now by contacting

Matt Enis About Matt Enis

Matt Enis (; @matthewenis on Twitter) is Associate Editor, Technology for Library Journal.