I just returned from ALA Annual 2016 in Orlando, Florida, and besides enjoying more temperate weather I’ve also been thinking about some of what I experienced there. One experience in particular stands out. Every ALA in recent years my employer (OCLC) has sponsored a “Linked Data Roundtable” where practitioners discuss their cutting edge work with […]
Roy Tennant: Digital Libraries
Since 2008 the blog of Roy Tennant, a Senior Program Officer for OCLC Research. Among other things, he is the owner of the Web4Lib and XML4Lib electronic discussions, and the creator and editor of Current Cites, a current awareness newsletter published every month since 1990. Follow him on Twitter @rtennant.
What Pace Progress?
SobekCM for Your Content Management Needs
Recently I had occasion to visit the University of Florida Library’s digital collections. In poking around, I was reminded that they had developed their own content management system called SobekCM. Since it has been under development for a decade, it is a full-featured open source system grounded in library standards such as METS, MODS, Dublin […]
I, For One, Welcome Our Internet Overlords
As reported in the Economist, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is trying to go global. That is, it is attempting to shed any remaining ties to an individual country (*cough* the US) and become truly independent. I heartily welcome this, as no country should be able to control something that has […]
LC Reviews its File Formats for Preservation Recommendations
In an ongoing commitment to keep up with the changing world of preservation, the Library of Congress is doing it’s annual review of its “Recommended Formats Statement”. The stated purposes of the document are: One purpose of the Statement is to provide internal guidance within the Library to help inform acquisitions of collections materials (other than […]
Wikipedia: 1 Librarian, 1 Reference
The Wikipedia Library is a project that aims to marshall library-licensed resources for Wikipedia editors so that they can add authoritative citations to Wikipedia articles. There are a number of things that they do, but an essential one is that they have arranged to make a number of article databases behind paywalls available to Wikipedia […]