May 8, 2024

Taming that ‘Monster of Content’ YouTube


Joyce Valenza knows a thing or two about Web resources. This week, the teacher-librarian at Springfield Township (PA) High School takes on YouTube. In a post on her blog, Neverendingsearch, Valenza provides helpful advice for better managing the video-sharing source, including helpful tips for displaying clips – great for conference presenters and classroom teachers alike.

YouTube is the largest video repository known to (wo)man. The global looking glass has changed the way we view and share news, culture, politics, our world. It’s changed the way we learn, both formally and informally. Sometimes we don’t manage this monster of content as powerfully as we might. Though there are many others, here are an assortment of tips and tricks that may improve your YouTube experience, because . . .

1. Sometimes, when you present at a conference, or professional development event, or when you help a student share video in a project, you need to cue up that very right YouTube second.

Deep Links to the rescue! YouTube’s Deep Links allows you to start a video precisely at the section you need.

To create a Deep Links:

Locate the video you wish to share

In the video information section (the grey box to the right of the video), copy the text located in the ‘URL’ box.

Click the ‘Share’ tab (located below the video).

Paste in the text you copied from the URL box into the message. This text is the video’s URL.

Go to the end of the URL and add the time code for the specific time in the video you’d like the viewer to start watching.

For example, if you’d like the viewer to start watching the video at one minute and forty-five seconds into the video, you’d add the following time code to the end of the URL: #t=1m45s . The URL with the Deep Link should appear this way:

2. But sometimes you need a section in the middle of a video. TubeChop is handy for those times when just starting the video later is not enough. You want to chop a specific section, and you also want to embed that section in a blog, wiki, website.

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Kathy Ishizuka About Kathy Ishizuka

Kathy Ishizuka (, @kishizuka on Twitter) is Executive Editor of School Library Journal.