April 29, 2024

Skype, Now an Everyday Tool in Schools

skypeIn schools, the videoconferencing platform Skype has gone from being a novelty to an everyday tool, as much a part of the school day as whiteboards and textbooks.

“We’re living in a whole new virtual world,” author and Skype expert Kate Messner writes in her article “The Skyping Renaissance,” the November 2014 School Library Journal cover story. “Ask teachers and librarians about their experiences with Skype today, and you’ll be treated to a long list of projects, from the traditional Skype author visit to virtual writing workshops, interviews with scientists in the field, Mystery Skype connections, and more.”

Messner adds that educators who use Skype once or twice tend to become advocates—big believers in its potential. Students who have been exposed to this kind of virtual visit also grow to believe in the power of the technology.

Read the full story to learn more about how educators are innovating with Skype and to access a list of Skype educational resources.
